International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences

ISSN: 2455-7749 . Open Access

The System of Informational Choice of the Kinematic Scheme for the Formation of Shells of a Complex Spatial Form

The System of Informational Choice of the Kinematic Scheme for the Formation of Shells of a Complex Spatial Form

V. Mikheev
Department of Metal Forming, Samara University, Samara, Russia.

A. Grechnikova
Department of Metal Forming, Samara University, Samara, Russia.

A. Roslyakov
Samara State Transport University, Samara, Russia. Information Center of SPbPU, Madrid, Spain.

D. Agafonova
Department of Metal Forming, Samara University, Samara, Russia.

DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.33889/IJMEMS.2019.4.4-075

Received on November 25, 2018
Accepted on May 11, 2019


Three kinematic schemes are studied, which differ from one another in the route of technological operations. Each of these kinematic schemes has its own set of power stages of shaping and stages of free bending or bending of the ends of the sheet blank. In addition, the quantitative values of the angular parameters of a particular kinematic scheme are determined. Numerical experiments have been carried out, which give complete information about the distribution of the shell thickness as discrete values in one or another element. The result is statistical processing of this information, the scope of the predicted values and comparison with the tolerance on the thickness of the peel used in aviation enterprises.

Keywords- Shell of significant double curvature, ANSYS, Distributions of experimental data.


Mikheev, V., Grechnikova, A., Roslyakov, A., & Agafonova, D. (2019). The System of Informational Choice of the Kinematic Scheme for the Formation of Shells of a Complex Spatial Form. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 4(4), 946-956. https://dx.doi.org/10.33889/IJMEMS.2019.4.4-075.